Blinn, Leroy J, Tin, Sheet-Iron, and Copper-Plate Worker, Henry Carey Baird & Co, NY, 1920.
Broemel, L. Sheet Metal Workers’ Manual, Frederick J. Drake & Co, Chicago, 1935.
Butts, I R, Tinman’s Manual and Builder’s and Mechanic’s Handbook, Boston, 1865.
Coffin, Margaret, The History & Folklore of American Country Tinware, 1700-1900. T. Nelson, Camden NJ, 1968.
Daugherty, James S, Sheet-Metal Pattern Drafting and Shop Problems, Manual Arts Press, Peoria, IL, 1922.
DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, The Tinsmiths of Connecticut, Wesleyan University Press for the Connecticut Historical Society, Middletown, CT, 1968.
DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, The Art of the Tinsmith, Schiffer Publishing Ltd, Box E, Exton PA, 1981.
Dover Stamping Co, Tinner’s Hardware & Finishing Goods, Boston, 1869. Reprint Astragal Press.
Dyer, Herbert J. How to Work Sheet Metal. Model and Allied Publications LTD first
edition 1951,Reprinted 1958, 1963, 1969, 1972. This is an English book. It
discusses mainly hand/stake work with one chapter on what they call a Jenny
(burring machine) I believe it is called in the US.
SHEET METAL HAND PROCESSES by Zinngrabe and Schumacher. Delmarr Publishers by
Litton Education Publishing, Inc 1974. Again hand/stake. Very little on
Gould, Mary Earle, Antique Tin and Tole Ware, Tuttle, Rutland VT, 1958.
Hall & Carpenter’s Catalogue of Tinsmiths’ Tools and Machines, Philadelphia, 1878.
Handburg, Ejner, Shop Drawings of Shaker Iron and Tinware, Berkshire Traveller Press, Stockbridge, MA, 1976.
Hoare, WE, ES Hedges, BTK Barry, The Technology of Tinplate, St Martin’s Press, NY, 1965.
John, W D, Pontypool and Usk Japanned Wares with the Early History of the Iron and Tinplate Industries at Pontypool, Newport Mon England, 1953.
Kauffman, Henry J, Early American Copper, Tin, and Brass, McBride, NY 1950.
Lasansky, Jeannette, To Cut Piece and Solder, The work of the Rural Pennsylvania Tinsmith,
Martin, Gina & Lois Tucker, American Painted Tinware, A Guide to its Identification, Vol 1, Historical Society of Early American Decoration Inc, NY, 1996.
Minchinton, W E, The British Tinplate Industry: A History, Clarendon, Oxford, 1957.
Neubecker, William, The Universal Sheet Metal Pattern Cutter, Vol 1&2, The Sheet Metal Publication Co, NY 1920.
Newbecker, William, Sheet Metal Work, American Technical Society, Chicago, 1941.
Pettit, Ernest L, The Book of Collectible Tin Containers with Price Guide, Forward’s Color Productions, Manchester VT, 1967.
Player, John, The Origins and Craft of Antique Tin & Tole, Norwood Publishing, Brockville ONT Canada, 1995.
Quantrill, Thomas H, The Mechanic's Calculator and Tinman’s Guide, Washington, 1847.
(Reprint Available from Barnhart
Also available for download from the Carnegie Mellon University (PDF
Format) (PDFA
Format, much larger file)
Rose, Joseph H, Modern Sheet-Metal Worker’s Instructor, Chicago, 1906.
Smith, Elmer L, Tinware Yesterday and Today, Applied Arts, Lebanon PA, 1974.
Tinsmiths' Tools & Machines Manufactured by the Peck Stow & Wilcox Co, Centennial Edition 1800-1900, Reprint, Astragal Press, 1993.
Vosburgh, HK, The Tinsmith’s Helper and Pattern Book, MJ Weeks Pringer, Unionville CT, 1879. Reprint Astragal Press.
Waite, Diana S, Nineteenth Century Tin Roofing and Its Use at Hyde Hall, NY State Historic Trust, Albany NY, 1971.
Warn, Reuben Henry, Sheet Metal Worker’s Instructor, Philadelphia PA, 1875.
Shagena, Jack L., An Illustrated History of Tinware in America", Bel Air, Maryland, 2006
Demer, John, "How Tinsmiths Used Their Tools", Chronicle, Early American Industries Association, December, 1985.
DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, "The Perry Tin Shop of Saxtons River
Vermont", Vermont History, Summer, 1975.
DeVoe, Shirley Spaulding, "The Upson Tin and Clock
Shops", Bulletin, Connecticut Historical Society, July, 1961.
Swan, Mabel M, "The Village Tinsmith", Antiques, March, 1928.
Tinsmith's Helper and Patttern Book (The)
Author H. K. Vosburgh
Publisher Astrigal Press
ISBN 1-879335-56-5
CCN 94-78584
Date 1994
Type Technical
Review Originally Published in 1879. It contains 53 Diagrams and patterns covering a wide variety of products and
layouts, each fully explained. There is also an extensice appendix that gives table, rules, and practical
recipes that continue to be of great interest to contemporary tinsmiths.
Obtain: New from Astrigal Press. Used and older versions through book dealers and online auctions